Vows & Forever “All Things Wedding” Articles
Vows & Forever “All Things Wedding” Articles may contain affiliate links, which allows us to earn commission if you make a purchase. That money helps us continue our wedding & blog services.
Making the Choice of Who Walks You Down the Aisle
Traditionally, brides have their fathers walk them down the aisle. But what if you don’t want to follow tradition or can’t?
Wedding Day Emergency Kit List
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Everything you need in case of an emergency on your wedding day.
Choosing Who (and Who Not) to Invite to Your Wedding
Stressing over your guest list? A quick guide on who to invite first (and last) to your wedding.
“I Do”…Later in Life
Society tells us we should be married by a certain age. But some couples find their “happily ever after” at 40 and beyond.
Wedding Planning Checklist
Planning a wedding & don’t know where to start? The simple checklist to keep you from getting overwhelmed.
Modern Day Wedding Guest Etiquette
Wedding Day Etiquette: the Do’s and Don’ts for today’s wedding guests.
The M.I.A. Bridesmaid
Your bride tribe is thrilled to help any way they can. Everyone, except one. How to handle the missing in action bridesmaid.
Asking for “Cash Only” Wedding Gifts
Many couples are opting for monetary gifts and ditching wedding registries. The polite ways to ask for cash.
The No Show Wedding Guest
The solutions to handle guests who are suddenly no-shows at your wedding.
Saying “I Do” to Weekday Weddings
Considering getting married on a weekday? The reasons to sway you.
Your High-Maintenance Wedding Guest
The high-maintenance wedding guest: Advice on dealing with your rude, demanding and selfish relative or friend.
The Uninvited Wedding Guest
As if planning a wedding isn’t stressful enough, now you’re dealing with an uninvited guest. Is there a solution?